Transkulturelle Kommunikation: Verstehen · Vertiefen · Weiterdenken
Was haben Ampelfiguren, ein Hase oder ein „Speibsackerl“ mit Transkultureller Kommunikation zu tun? Was spielt alles mit in einer Kommunikationssituation und was macht professionelle Transkulturelle Kommunikation aus? Warum braucht es ein differenziertes Kulturverständnis ohne Simplizifizierung und Zuschreibungen? Mit diesen und vielen weiteren Fragen der Transkulturellen Kommunikation setzt sich diese interdisziplinäre Einführung auseinander.
Das Buch richtet sich an Studierende, an Lehrende der Kultur- und Kommunikationswissenschaften sowie an alle an Kommunikation Interessierten.
with Sabine Dengscherz; in German
The Lightning Flash: Language, Longing, and the Facts of Life
We don’t say what we mean. We don’t mean what we say. No-one can tell the truth – especially when we stick to the facts.
Language isn’t about words, or information, or things. It’s always about us. As with music and painting, we use language to express what we are not able to say. And we can all do it. We all create our own poetry.
It is not words that we understand, but the myriad meanings of silence that lie beyond them.
Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang
Tell It Like It Is? Science, Society and the Ivory Tower
The whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Could we ever tell it all? And if we did, who would understand it?
The facts of science are partial truths – yours, mine or somebody else’s. All struggling to be heard, and believed. Accepting the facts means seeing them. And people only see what they want to see.
If we want our facts to survive, they have to fit in with other people’s truths. And there is room for more than one winner.
Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang
Das Entenprinzip: Translation aus neuen Perspektiven
The limits of my language cannot be the limits of my world. The need to communicate is the need to break out of our own little world – or at least to try. Whether we speak the language of science, of art, or simply our own, we can all learn to speak so many more. Everything is open to translation.
in English and German
Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang
Wissenschaft, Translation, Kommunikation
Science, art. Theory, practice. Your culture, or mine. We all engage with the world in our own way. This book explores how, and why, we can still manage to understand each other. More or less.
in German
Wien: Facultas
Translatorische Methodik
What do translators do? Why – and how – do they do it? This book is an introduction to basic questions of translation theory and practice for students and professional translators.
in German
Wien: Facultas
The Missing Link: Evolution, Reality and the Translation Paradigm
Translation is possible. It has to be. Understanding is a biological necessity. We all do it. Because we need to share each other’s reality. The translation paradigm roots language, culture and communication in the indissoluble unity of our many ways of living.
Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang
Translation, Evolution und Cyberspace: Eine Synthese von Theorie, Praxis und Lehre
We all have a theory about the world. If we didn’t, we couldn’t survive. Translation brings together our seemingly irreconcilable theories and reveals the common denominator: the practice of living.
in German
Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang